st michael the archangel ukrainian catholic church
21 shonnard place, yonkers, ny 10703
Tel: 914-963-0209
Confessions: Daily and Sundays before all liturgies.
Baptisms: By appointment. Sponsors must be practicing Catholics.
Marriage: Please contact your pastor at least six months in advance. Pre-Cana is required. (Click to Read more in English and Ukrainian!)
Ministry To The Sick: Kindly notify the rectory office about parishioners who are confined to home, hospital, or covalescent home. so that a priest may visit them.
New parishioners: Welcome to St. Michael's Parish. Please stop by the rectory, introduce yourselves, and register. We look forward to meeting you!
Bequests: In making out your will, kindly remember your Church.
St. Michael the Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church in Yonkers, NY is our legal title. Your Last Will and Testament cab be a continual perpetual Prayer! (Click to Read more in English and Ukrainian!)

Very Reverend Fr. Kiril Angelov.